Retriever for Marvin 0.3.1

29. July 2002, 11:53

Well here is Marvin’s Retriever. Mhmm. What is there to say. He has been programmed for the Presentation Manager of OS/2 and more or less does what he should.

Marvin’s Retriever is a download helper application similar to Netscape’s Smartdownload but not as powerful yet. He is able to fetch Urls from the clipboard and to pause and resume download jobs. He is also quite informative about the condition of the present download. And that is about it already. This isn’t too much, and the real job is being made by GNU wGet because this program has proven to be quite reliable and because I didn’t want to spend too much time writing this small utility.

Here are some screenshots:

Retriever Images

IBM OS/2 Warp 4.0 or higher, eComStation 1.0 or higher
EMX 0.9d

It can be downloaded here:

And here is the sourcecode:

Both GNU wGet and Marvin’s Retriever are licensed under GNU GPL 2, which can be found here: GPLv2


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